Monday, June 27, 2011


I'm seriously soo behind on my blogging...
Back on June 15 (which I cannot believe was nearly two weeks ago!!! The time is flying by so fast out here!) Alex, Bree, and I went into the city for the day. First we went to Canal Street to damage our wallets a bit. I found some great things and I was thrilled! I got some Coach (poppy) perfume, shirts for Drew and Reese, a *darling* Prada (frada...haha) bag for my mom, and a few other things. Canal = success! :) 
Then we walked through Little Italy and saw some of the cute bakery's and shops they have. Little Italy is really cute. There were some people that were authentic (if that's the word, hah) Italians, so I'm sure the food was delicious. Although, we decided to wait and eat at a famous pizza shop. After seeing Little Italy we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge! There was a rally/protest going on for union labor rights or something like that, its hard to say exactly what it was all about. But, there were a TON of people walking the bridge for this rally thing. It was quite hilarious. After crossing the bridge we went to a famous pizza shop called Grimaldi's and ate in this super cute park. We then walked over the see the view of Manhattan from Brooklyn, and BOOM there's the Statue of Liberty! I have already seen the statue but it was definitely fun to see it again, especially since I wasn't really expecting it. Overall it was such a great day, and we got some great things checked off our list!! :) Can't complain!
 In one of the Canal St. shops
Little Italy

The gorgeous view of Manhattan from Brooklyn. The nice thing about this is that Brooklyn is pretty quiet, so you get the cool view of the city without all the craziness

Thought we'd join in the rally, haha

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