Monday, May 16, 2011

Taking Full Advantage

So basically we have come to the conclusion that the laundry room at our apartment is the scariest/most ghetto place to attend in New Jersey. No joke. Its. Sketchy. When you walk in the laundry room it smells like legit mildew, and I want to vomit. Not only does the smell disturb us, but our clothes come out dirtier than when we put them in. I am not exaggerating when I say that! We put some clothes in the washer and my socks came out dirtier than they were prior to the wash. Also can I add that Bree's dog poo'd on our rugs so we threw them in the wash, and someone stole them. Rude! Who just steals someones rug right out of the dryer? Although the poo was probably never fully washed out so I hope they're enjoying our shitty rugs! (hahah I had to say it!!) We were genuinely concerned at this point. Alex, Bree, and I decided to attend the laundromat. We fully enjoyed our time at the facility, but for some reason the worker kind of hated us. Maybe the following reasons could explain...

Let me start off by saying that Alex and I forgot our laundry detergent/softener. We saw some sitting on top of some washers and thought, "huh, that's so great that the facility provides the detergent" (even though there was a massive rack in the corner where you could purchase detergent. Like I said before, the two of us make for some stupid people. haha) and we used it. Not a good idea, not good at all. After putting the soap in the washer the worker, slightly raising her voice, said, "woah you can't use MY detergent!" Oops, our bad. Looking back, this is the first reason she hated us.

As you can see, we started off quite innocent. Minus the fact of stealing the detergent...(the one pictured is Bree's)
...We continued to get a little out of hand...

Then I decided I needed to be dried too. I'm telling you, we could have fit a family of 10 in this thing!

Then the following occurred. Please embrace...

What can we say, the laundromat was playing some good tunes!

Who knew a laundromat could be so fun? We will definitely be exnaying the laundry room at our complex, and attending this laundromat. The lady better get excited cause she'll be seeing more of us. If only she knew that our family would kill to see us right now, so she's the lucky one! hahaha just kidding! I'm glad we got to take full advantage of the laundromat! 

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